Thursday 20 September 2012

Developing Multicultural Environmental Education Islam

Developing Multicultural Environmental Education Islam
By: Akhmad Huda, M. Pd.
(Sunan Giri Guru MTs Prigen District. Pasuruan)

Abstract: Enforcement of Law number 22 of 1999 on regional autonomy will not directly make the approach to multicultural policies in curriculum development in Indonesia. The Act authorizes the management of education to local government will probably result in a variety of curricula in accordance with the vision, mission, and perceptions of curriculum developers in the area, but it is not impossible that the curriculum being developed is not developed by a cultural approach especially multicultural approach. The resulting curriculum may be developed based on a cultural approach but by no means directly into multicultural curriculum-based approach. Curriculum multicultural approach should be developed with the awareness and a deep understanding of a multicultural approach. On the basis of the position multikultutral as curriculum development approach in the multicultural approach to the curriculum is defined as a principle that uses cultural diversity of learners in developing the philosophy, mission, goals, and curriculum components, and the learning environment so that students can use to understand the personal culture and develop knowledge, concepts, skills, values, attitudes, and morals are expected.
Keywords: Education, Islamic Education, Multicultural Insights
In all facets of life, man has always been on both sides, that is, as an individual with all of characteristics and as part of a group of people to another. The two sides put a man on the dimensions of personal and social dimensions. The social dimension will appear existence when supported by the existence of a personal, rather personal dimension will be more meaningful if it is in the context of soisal. Personal dimension to bring the diverse impilkas's brought to each individual. Meanwhile, the social dimension presupposes the existence of the eka-an as a form of uniting the diverse-an. That's the core of cultural pluralism.Historical reality shows that Indonesia stands tall among the cultural diversity that exists. One obvious example is the chosen Malay as the language of unity roots that evolved into the Indonesian language. With heightened awareness of all components of the nation agreed on a common consensus to make the Malay language as the language of unity that can overcome and bridge braid antarkomponen nation. The question that immediately arises is how the reality of what happened in Indonesia. Is the view of the principles of multiculturalism and pluralism remain intact as coveted by the founders of this nation. Without thinking, the answer will be found soon. The reality of the Indonesian nation is now far from the ideal aspired to by the Founding Fathers.Pluralism that emphasizes understanding the meaning of cultural diversity (multiculturalism) has shifted. Pluralism and then evolve toward dominance of a particular group so that other groups became desperate. In the language of Ariel Heryanto the diverse motto's has changed direction into the mono's. Recent developments suggest that cultural diversity is precisely the source of contention antarkomponen nation. Multidimensional crisis experienced by Indonesia has not ended to this day. Various social unrest and conflict, both horizontally and vertically has led to the disintegration of the nation. It is ironic when padakenyataannya that appreciation of diversity and cultural interaction it is not yet inevitable. Most community members now have not understood the importance of cultural pluralism. Community do not believe that life can be built in the shadow of cultural diversity.It is undeniable that the wave of modernization and globalization of culture has broken down cultural barriers, ethnic, ideological and religious. Socioeconomic mobility education, and politics create diversity within diversity relations. Now, quite difficult to find social communities are homogeneous and monoculture. Multicultural phenomenon has become an imperative part of human civilization. Multiculturalism covers the plurality of race, ethnicity, gender, class, and religion even lifestyle choices.This concept is at least bertumpuh on two beliefs. First, all social groups in reperentasikan and culture can coexist with others. Second, discrimination and resisme can be reduced through the establishment of a positive image of ethnic diversity and knowledge of other cultures, for insights and ideas that multiculturalism needs to be confirmed in all education.
Islamic EducationJuhn According to Dewey, education is a process of renewal of the meaning of experience, this will probably happen in the regular association or association with young adults, it may also be a deliberate and institutionalized for to generate social sustainability. This process involves the oversight and development of the immature and the group in which he lives.According to H. Horne, education is a continuous process (eternal) of the adjustment is higher for the human beings who have evolved physically and mentally, a free and conscious to vtuhan, as manifested in the natural surroundings of intellectual, emotional and humanity of the man. While Frederick J. Mc Donald found that education is a process or activity which aimed to change the character (behavior) humans. The meaning of any responses or behaviors is one's deeds, something done by someone.Islamic Education itself is based on Islamic education. The content of science is theory. Fill in earth science is the theory of the earth. Science education is the contents of the theories about education, Islam is a complete science education content knowledge is not just a theory. Understanding education as an even more expanded scope of activities and phenomena. Education as a meaningful activity conscious effort designed to help a person or group of people in the developed world view, attitude to life, and life skills, both manual (thumb) as well as mental, and social education as a phenomenon while the event is an encounter between two people or more of the impact is the development of a world view, attitude, or life skills in one or several parties, the two concepts are must breath or inspired by the teachings and values ​​of Islam are derived from the Qur'an and Sunnah (Hadith) .Islamic Education as an institution either MI, MT, MA or MAK or university governed by Article 17 and the religious education provided for in article 30. Islamic education as a subject can be found in article 36 paragraph The Islamic education as essentially value is the value that brings the value of the benefit and welfare of all beings, democratic, egalitarian, and humane.Departure from these conditions will be clear that the existence of Islamic Education at the school are very clear and can be felt. Therefore, in order to enhance and empower the development of Islamic education and also continuously. Among the policy pursued by the Ministry of Religious Affairs in the development of Madrasah and Islamic Religious Education (Mapenda) can be seen as follows: (1) equity of education, directed to support the compulsory 9 years (Fair 9 years), (2) improving the quality of education throughout the education, at both MI and MTs and sertapeningkatan quality public schools of Islamic religious education, and (3) the effectiveness and efficiency of the means of education can really achieve maximum educational goals by utilizing minimal cost.As for the form of development and empowerment is to continue to provide guidance and training to educators. In the eyes of the Department of Religion at least four basic competencies that should be possessed by the educators. First, scientific competence, Second, competency skills to communicate their knowledge to students. Third, competence manjerial and fourth academic moral competence which he should be role models for the students and the community.
The purpose of Islamic EducationAccording to Jalal Abdul Fatah, Islamic education is the general purpose of human creation as God's servant. Thus, according to Islam, education must make all humans devote to God. What is meant is to devote themselves to worship God. Islam requires that people be educated so that he was able to realize her destiny as outlined by God. The purpose of life according to God's human family is to worship God. As in a letter Dzariyat verse 56:"And I created the Jinn and Men except that they may worship me".Jalal said that some people thought worship was confined to pray, sawm during Ramadan, dispense charity, pilgrimage, and say the shahada. But actually worship it includes all charitable, thoughts, and feelings that confronted (or resting) to God. Aspects of Islamic people worship is an obligation to study it so that he can practice it the right way.According to al Syaibani, Islamic educational goals are: (1) Interest relating to individuals, including changes in the form of knowledge, public behavior, behavior, and physical and mental abilities should have to live in this world and in the Hereafter, (2 ) Interest relating to the public, including people's behavior, the behavior of individuals in society, changing people's lives, enriching the experience of the community (3). Professional goals relating to education and teaching as science, as art, as a profession, and as a community. From the description, it is concluded that the aim of Islamic education is basically this: the realization of man as a servant of God. Thus, according to Islam, education must make all humans devote to God. What is meant is to devote themselves to worship God.
Multicultural EducationSimply put multicultural education can be defined as "educationto / about the diversity of cultures in response to demographic and cultural changesparticular society or even the world as a whole ". This is in line withopinion Paulo Freire, education is not an "ivory tower" who tried to get away social and cultural realities. Education according to him, should be able to create a society of educated and uneducated, not a society that only glorifies As with social prestige due to the wealth and prosperity they experienced.Multicultural education is actually an attitude of "caring" and want to understand (difference), or the politics of recognition politics of recognition to people from minority groups. The term "multicultural education" may be used on both the descriptive and normative, which describes the issues and educational issues related to multicultural society. Furthermore, he also includes the notion of consideration of the policies and strategies of education in a multicultural society. In this descriptive context, the multicultural curriculum must necessarily include subjects such as: (1) tolerance, themes of ethno-cultural differences and religion, (2) the danger of discrimination, conflict resolution and mediation, (3) human rights, democracy and plurality, universal humanity, and other subjects relevant.In this theoretical context, learn from multicultural education models that exist and are being developed by developed countries are known five approaches: firstly, education about cultural differences or multiculturalism. Second, education about cultural differences or cultural understanding. Third, education for cultural pluralism. Fourth bi-cultural education. Fifth, multicultural education as a human moral experience.In generic, multicultural education is a concept created with the aim to create equal educational opportunities for all students of different racial, ethnic, social class and cultural groups. One important goal of the concept of multicultural education is to help all students to acquire the knowledge, attitudes and skills needed to carry out these roles effectively in a pluralistic democratic society-and necessary for interaction, negotiation, and communication with citizens from diverse groups in order to create an immoral society that goes for the common good.In implementation, the paradigm of multicultural education are required to stick to the following principles: (1) multicultural education curriculum should offer a variety of views and perspectives that represent a lot of people, (2) multicultural education should be based on the assumption that there is no single interpretation of the historical truth , (3) curriculum emphasis is achieved in accordance with the point of view of comparative analysis of different cultures, and (3) education multicultural These principles should support fundamental in combating stereotypical views of race, culture and religion.Multicultural education reflects a balance between understanding the similarities and differences in cultures encourage individuals to maintain and expand the horizons of their own culture and the culture of some aspects that are key in implementing multicultural education in schools is the lack of structure that inhibits tolerance policy, including the lack of an affront to racial, ethnic and gender. Also, it should foster sensitivity to cultural differences, which include clothing, music and food preferences. Moreover, it also provides the freedom for children to celebrate the big day and to strengthen religious attitudes of children that feel the need to engage in democratic decision making.
Multicultural Education in Islamic EducationFor the idea of ​​a multicultural Islamic education is not something new in fear and, at least four reasons. First, that Islam teaches respect and acknowledge the presence of others. Second, the concept of Islamic brotherhood is not just confined to one sect or sects. Third, in the Islamic view that the highest value of a slave is located at integralitas piety and closeness to God.As understood that multiculturalism is a meaning which refers to the fact that we do not live in a culture only. Culture in the sense that all human effort to express and embody all human attempts to express and realize all the good things of life is worth.For the idea of ​​a multicultural Islamic education is not something new in fear and, at least four reasons. First, that Islam teaches respect and acknowledge the presence of others. Second, the concept of Islamic brotherhood is not just confined to one sect or sects. Third, in the Islamic view that the highest value of a slave is located at integralitas piety and closeness to God.To devise strategies multicultural and ethnic relations in schools can be classified to two of the personal experiences and teaching conducted by teachers. In my personal experience with creating the first ethnic minority and majority students have the same status, secondly, has the same task, third, mingle, connect, sustainable and growing together, the fourth relates to pasilitas, teacher learning styles, and class norms.As in the form of teaching is as follows: first the teacher must be aware of the ethnic diversity of students, not to educate, second, curriculum and teaching materials should reflect the ethnic diversity of the curriculum and the third is the material written in the local language / different ethnicities.Clearly if multicultural teaching can be done in both public and religious schools will bear results that also gave birth to the civilization of tolerance, democracy, benevolence, mutual help, tolerance, justice, beauty, harmony and other human values. Essentially the idea and design of school-based multicultural is a necessity to note that its presence does not obscure or create uncertainty and identity of the existing groups.When multiculturalism is not only interpreted as culturally diverse, but also as a wide variety of religions, patterns of thought, also diverse religious sects view it as an Islamic religious education teachers must be able to convey the divine message to the students wisely without any one group mazhabpun the offense. But it must be remembered also that: teach religion to understand multicultural no means lead to the understanding that all religions are true, all religions are equal, and all believers who obey the teachings of religion well together will enter heaven.As consideration when preparing insightful multicultural religious education curriculum, it appears that the concept offered Prof. Interpretation can be used as as a reference. These concepts offered Prof. This interpretation: (1) to teach students that human beings are diverse, every human being should be skilled to live together in a diverse culture that, (2) need to be taught so that students are able to live together in diversity, using among other things the letter Ali Imran: 64, Al Hujurat: 13, and Joseph, 67. (3) need to be educated so that students have the attitude of trusting others, no suspects, and no prejudice. Use among others Al Hujurat: 15, (4) need to be educated so that pupils have respect for others. Understand not necessarily mean agreeing; on the other hand understand necessarily appreciate. Could use al hujurat: 13, and (5) educate the students so happy to forgive others, whether requested or not, and pray for it to be given forgiveness by God. Use among others, Al Araf: 199, Al-An'am: 54, Ali Imran: 134.CoverAs a participatory ideology, multiculturalism brings the principles of diversity, equality, and respect for others, so that the message of universal education can be felt by all parties. Therein lies the importance of teaching in a multicultural and multi-ethnic in education is by educating students from committing crimes against students from other ethnic groups, particularly in the religious education. Similarly, multi-ethnic teaching was more hetrogen again in public schools.The idea and design of multicultural insights include religious schools and madrasas should shouted down, provided they do not occur blurring ideological authenticity of Islamic education itself. Islamic education has its own unique and distinctive in accordance with the vision and mission. The vision of the madrasas and Islamic education is the realization of a pious man, noble, personable, knowledgeable, skilled and able to express themselves in public life. Its mission is to create an Islamic institution and the quality, curriculum outlines are able to understand the needs of the students and the community, providing professional education and has competency in the field and organizing the learning process that produces graduates who excel

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