Thursday 20 September 2012

The process of acculturation through Formal Education

The process of acculturation through Formal Education
By: Akhmad Huda, S.Pd.
(Sunan Giri Guru MTs Ma'arif Prigen District. Pasuruan)

Abstract: school or formal education is one of the media channels or other media familiarization process is the family and other institutions in society. In this context, education is referred to as a process to "humanize man" exactly "humanizing young man" (to borrow a phrase Dick Hartoko). Meanwhile, among anthropologists and other social scientists view that education is an effort to develop and disseminate human as we are familiar with the process of enculturation (acculturation) and socialization (the process of forming a child's personality and behavior of members of society so that the child is acknowledged existence by the people who concerned).

Keywords: Process, Culture, Culture, Education, Formal Education

Education aims to shape human behavior in order to show that cultured beings are able to socialize in the community and adjust to the environment in order to maintain the continuity of life, both personal, group, or society as a whole. Daoed Joesoef see education as a part of the culture because education is an effort to provide basic knowledge in preparation of life. Knowledge base for life provision is meant here is culture. It is said that because of the circumstances of life are kelseluruhan us, the totality of what we lakukansebagai men, the attitude, effort, and work to be done by each person, set up a stance in order of social life that characterizes the lives of human beings as bio-social .

Education is an effort to instill the attitude and skills of the community members to be able to play them later in accordance with the status and social roles in their respective communities. Indirectly, this pattern became the preserve of a culture. In line with this, Bertrand Russell said that education as a social order of civilized social life. Through education, we can form a community that developed the order of life, modern, peaceful and peace based on the values
​​and cultural norms. Ibn Khaldun emphasize again that education and teaching as one of the social phenomena that characterize the community-developed society.

Furthermore, Ibn Khaldun share knowledge and teaching in a variety of categories, namely (1) science Naqli that originates in the Book of Quran and Sunnah, (2) aqli science (the science related to brain) consists of physics (the science of objects ), science ilahiyat (deity or metaphysics), mathematics, science, music, "the knowledge of the origin of rhythm, hay'ah science (astronomy), (3) the science of logic Protect the brain from mistakes. In line with this, the concept of religious education is essentially an attempt to move from the negative qualities such as ignorance, envy, jealousy, arrogant, conceited, wasteful, inefficient, emotional, etc.. To positive traits such as intelligent, considerate, thorough, efficient, forward-thinking and acting on the two basic rules of the relationships with fellow human beings and our relationship with God.

All the expected positive nature is manifested in the form of religious behavior, nimble, skillful, able to distinguish between good and bad, right and wrong, appreciate all the things that being part of life in the universe, including all forms of differences among our fellow human beings. Having the ability to take the right decision at the right time, and be able to develop your own potential in improving the quality of individual, family, group, religion, nation and state. All this is an essential element in the process of establishing a prosperous society, survive, just, prosperous, and peaceful.

To achieve this goal, the education provider must ensure that the program and the learning process can lead students to be able to use all that have had, obtained during the learning process-making it useful in later life, both academically and living everyday life. It should also be emphasized that in the world of real life, between academic and non-academic life are two things that can not be separated. For it should be, and the program does not make the learning process dichotomy (explicitly separating) in between. All this shows that education is a community effort to build a culture of life so as to create a modern, advanced, and harmony based on the cultural values
​​shared by a society.

Culture and Culture
Culture is often defined as "the concept of thinking", while covering all aspects of culture, ideas and product concepts. Koentjaraningrat not distinguish it. Etymologically, "Culture comes from the mind and power (cultivation) or power (effort or power) of the mind, the word culture is used as an abbreviation of the culture with the same meaning" (Koentjaraningrat, 1980:81-82). In English called culture, derived from the Latin Colere the berarati process or megerjakan, thus culture is defined as all efforts and actions of humans to the natural process (Ibid: 182). In the dictionary Indonesian, also does not look strictly cultural understanding and cultural differences. "Culture is defined as the fruit or result of mind / intellect". Culture is defined as the results of the activities and the creation of inner (minds) of humans, such as beliefs, arts, and customs atat (Pusbinbangsa, 1983).

In further studies, Irianto (1997: 56-57), at least there are two streams in the definition of culture, namely positivism and interpretivism. The fundamental difference in the two schools lies in the paradigm of the human relationship with the natural surroundings. Flow of positivism view humans as part of nature that are subject to the laws of social behavior can be learned through observation and regulated by external causes. Instead flow interpretivism view humans as members of the community who share a mutual social systems and systems of meaning. Human mendiuduki central position, and relaitas social reality is the result of human creation that is set through the system of meaning. Koentjaraningrat positivism grouped into streams that define the culture or the culture as a whole system of ideas, actions and products of human endeavor in order mesayarakat life that made possession of human beings through the learning process.

Based on these opinions, the boundaries between the cultural understanding of culture is not seen clearly. Regardless of the debate, in this paper more cultural understanding to the system of values
​​and norms that underlie human behavior, as suggested by Daoed Joesoef (1982), "culture is a system of values ​​and ideas that are internalized by a group of people in a given environment in a certain period ". While culture is defined as all matters related to culture. In konteksi review culture viewed from three aspects: firstly, that the universal culture-related niliai universal values ​​that apply anywhere that develop in line with the development of society and science / technology. Second, national culture, the prevailing values ​​of Indonesian society nationally. Third, local culture that exists in the life of the local community. These three aspects are closely linked with the education system as a vehicle and the process of cultural inheritance.

The Role of Culture in Education

Transformation is the key of the creation of meaning and knowledge development. Thus, the role of culture in education is not just a transfer and convey the embodiment of culture or culture to students, but using culture to make students able to create meaning. Culture, in its various manifestations, is instrumental to function as a medium of learning in the learning process.
Cultural embodiment can provide an exciting new atmosphere to study a field of science. As a medium of learning, culture and diverse manifestations may be the context of an example of a concept or principle matapelajaran, as well as the context for the application of principles or a matapelajaran. In the end, if the student has been able to master the art contextually within the cultural community cultural communities into context and frame of mind to apply the knowledge and skills of diverse scientific disciplines as a means of solving problems and cultural community development tool.

The process of acculturation in Education

The process of acculturation (enculturation) is an effort to shape the behavior and attitude of someone who is constituted by pengetathuan knowledge, skills, so that each individual can play their respective roles. Thus, the measure of success in learning the concept of enculturation is a change in student behavior. This is in line with the four (4) pillars of education put forward by UNESCO, Learning not only to know (to know), but also leads students to apply the knowledge gained directly in real life (to do), learn to build identity (to be), and forming attitudes that live in harmony together (to live together). For that, take a constructivist learning (developmental) are based on the premise that each individual student is a potential seed that can grow independently. The task of education is to motivate each child to recognize its potential as early as possible and provide services in accordance with the potential and directing the preparations for the challenges ahead. Education leads to the formation of character, performance concrete (observable) and measurable (measurable) that develop skills in three domains, namely: cognitive, psychomotor, and affective. Development of skills in all three domains is seen as a complementary unity.

The process of acculturation occurs in the form of inheritance of cultural traditions from one generation to the next generation and adoption of cultural traditions by those who do not know the culture before. Inheritance cultural tradition known as enculturation process (enculturation), while the adoption of a cultural tradition known as the process of acculturation (aculturation). The two processes lead to the formation of culture in a community.

The process of acculturation of enculturation usually occurs informally in the family, community, culture of a tribe, or culture of a territory. Enculturation process of acculturation by the elderly or those who are considered senior to children, or for people who are considered younger. Manners, customs, skills of a tribe / family usually passed down to the next generation through the process of enculturation.

Meanwhile, the process of acculturation typically occurs formally through education a person who does not know, be informed and made aware of the existence of a culture, and then the person adopting the culture, for example someone who just moved into a new place, he would learn the language, culture, and customs of the new place, and he will speak and cultured, as well as to their local communities.

Education is the process of acculturation and education is also seen as a tool for cultural change. The learning process in schools is a formal process of acculturation (the process of acculturation). The process of acculturation is not merely the transmission of culture and the adoption of the culture but also the culture change. As we know, education leads to a variety of changes in the socio-cultural, economic, political, and religious. However, at the same time, education is also a tool for cultural conservation - transmission, adoption, and cultural preservation. Given the pivotal role played by education in the educational process of acculturation into the main means of introduction of various new cultures will then be adopted by a group of students and then developed and preserved.

To ensure consistency between the goals of education with the establishment of a civilized human being (enculturation), instructional design should be designed in a school that can not be separated from the real-life conditions. Between education and the real world related to a synergistic relationship. Thus, these values
​​are instilled with academic knowledge tied to the relationship continuum. None of the components of knowledge regardless of cultural values ​​and norms.
Formal education is one of the media process of acculturation (enculturation). Man is a cultured man who has knowledge, skills and attitudes so that they are able to think rationally, critically, and has the character and personality in harmony life of love.


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